Pakistan’s leading YouTube channel is now earning Rs 1 million a month. Google’s director in Pakistan Farhan Qureshi has said that 55% of viewers on Pakistani YouTube channels are from abroad because the content uploaded by local YouTubers is popular all over the world.
According to Dawn newspaper, Farhan Qureshi said that at least 300 Pakistani YouTube channels have 1 million subscribers which is an increase of 35% overall compared to last year.
The Pakistani director of Google made the remarks while participating in a virtual panel discussion hosted by four popular YouTube accounts, Dickie Bhai, Sim Thing Hot, Astrology and Street Food PK.
He said that in addition to this, there are four and a half thousand YouTube channels which have 100,000 subscribers which shows a growth rate of 45%.
YouTube is one of the leading video platforms in the world, including Pakistan. In the last few years, there has been a huge increase in the number of people uploading good content on YouTube in Pakistan, which has also increased the number of viewers around the world. Farhan Qureshi said that Pakistan’s leading YouTube channel is now earning Rs 1 million annually which is recording a growth rate of more than 140% on an annual basis.
“YouTube encourages its content creators to be financially stable,” he said. During the panel discussion the content creators also shared their YouTube journey stories of how they started their journey and how they managed to build a community and how YouTube changed their lives and today they Where do you stand
Saad-ur-Rehman, popularly known as ‘Ducky Bhai’, said that he started his YouTube channel five years ago. “I used to make training videos on gaming and tech, asking vendors and friends to lend me their gadgets so I could record videos on them,” he said.
“I learned to edit things, create a channel called ‘Ducky Brothers’ and things changed, and so did my journey to podcasts, vlogs and ‘Dicky Extras,'” he said.
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